Monday, January 26, 2015

Getting My Life Together

I've used this phrase a lot over the past two years. The slang equivalent of the statement "getting your priorities in order," this phrase has become almost a mantra of sorts to my friend group. When someone did not feel so hot from a night of having too much fun, we would frequently tell them, "You need to get your life together." After a day of "blobbing" into the couch, never leaving the comfort of my pajamas, fuzzy pink slippers, and two-day unwashed hair, my first thought that shakes me back into reality is, "You need to get your life together."
Although this phrase was usually meant as a joke, there have been many times over the past couple of years when I felt like I really should do something to get my life together. After going to graduate school and not having it work out quite like I planned, struggling to make payments on my $20,000 loan from one year of graduate school (don't even get me started! haha), and being at a job that I absolutely hated and feeling like I had no control over my situation, I had to do some reevaluating.
Step 1: Being Completely Honest With Myself
Sometimes life just, for lack of a better word, sucks. You don't always get the degree/job (etc.) that you planned for. However, you cannot blame your problems on your circumstances. I had to realize that maybe I did not do all that I should have done. I also had to realize, maybe that was not God's plan in the first place. Maybe, out of my own selfish desires, I pursued a career/lifestyle that He never meant for me to be a part of. Although, I wish He would have told me $20,000 ahead of time that PT school was not meant for me, there was a reason for that, too. Possibly the lasting friendships I made in that one year.
Step 2: Looking for a Paycheck
I had an awesome first job after I left PT school. I loved my boss and we became really great friends. She knew my situation and gave me a job when I needed it most. That job also taught me that I had a passion for a field that I had never considered before, and that was in retail. I was not able to stay at that wonderful job for very long because I was only able to work part time there. And an opportunity opened up in the PT field that I could not refuse. When I got to this job, however, I realized that I did not love it as much as I thought I would. There were things about it that I did enjoy and I was good at the job, but my passions had changed. And I feel that God led me back to this place to close that door for me. I honestly believe that He let me have that job just to show me that He had a much better plan for me. Que in, my current bosses. I was offered a job by my current bosses and I truly love them and my job. Although it is not in retail, they have allowed me to use my own money to bring in some things that I thought might sell well in their establishment.
Step 3: Gaining Support
I have an incredible support system. My friends and family are without a doubt the best! This especially includes my parents. Once they knew I was serious about making/selling wreaths, they were all in! My Mom went on a shopping spree to help me buy supplies. And my Dad built these incredible "screen doors" for me to hang my wreaths on at work! I honestly don't know where I would be without their love and support. I can never thank them enough for all that they've done for me.

Step 4: Pursuing my Passions
For the first time in a long time, I truly feel like I am starting to get my life together. I am in no way an expert and I still do not (and probably will not ever) have my life completely together! Ha! But at least I am trying! :) Now that I've bored you to tears with my life story, I will show you what I've been working on the last three weeks. Hope you enjoy these creations!


Sunday, January 11, 2015


Wow. Has it really been almost a whole year since I posted anything on my blog?? I had no idea I'd be so bad at this! Ha!

Life Lately:

Life has been busy as of late. I have changed jobs again since the last time I was on here. I am now a Pharmacy Technician at The Medicine Chest in my hometown, and I love where I work! My coworkers are great and my boss and his wife are AMAZING! :) Mrs. Kate (my boss' wife) is allowing me to do some things with our gift section inside the pharmacy, which is the main reason I wanted to get back to my blog. You all know that one of my goals in life is to own a boutique/gift shop one day. And I have saved up a little money to start working towards that dream.

Making Changes:

The first changes I am making are to my blog. Did you notice the name change? I have decided to start calling my blog by the URL name. I like the way that it sounds better and I think it fits my personality. :) Also, I vow to start blogging again. I am not promising daily posts or even weekly posts. Hopefully, I will make at least one post a week, but if not, at least once a month. The third change I am making to my blog is to change the theme of my blog from a primarily fashion blog, to a lifestyle blog. I will, of course, still be posting outfits and clothes that I love, but there are so many other things that I want to include you in on! So I will also be posting things that happen in my life, which brings me to my next point.
I am going to be making and selling wreaths! I will start by selling them out of The Medicine Chest gift section (yep, my bosses are the best!) and eventually, once I get enough made, I will start selling them off of my blog Instagram account (sass_of_the_south) and off of a Facebook page by the same name that I will be creating. At some point, if it really takes off, I might start selling them from Etsy. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves!! I am just now getting started and I've only made a few so far. They will be going up in The Medicine Chest tomorrow and I cannot wait!! I shared a post with you last year about two wreaths I had made as gifts (see here). I really enjoyed making them and I decided that I would use my talents to start trying to build up some extra money to work towards my dreams!

Leaps and Bounds:

So I am taking this leap of faith and hoping that you will enjoy this new adventure with me! Love you all!
